Friday, May 27, 2011

Why Won’t My Navigation Unit Work

There are tons of new kinds of nav systems for late model cars, from Mercedes to Honda they are as varied as the cars they are in. The car navigation system over the years has become more and more advanced, for instance the Mercedes systems all use optical wiring that won’t work in any other car or system. Most of the new car radio and nav systems have specific software requirements for the systems to work correctly. If you are trying to install a factory in dash navigation screen into a car that did not come with it you may run into some issues.
The Nav unit will not take the information correctly and therefore cannot work properly if the software in the unit you are installing is not built and programed for your application. To be sure that any unit that you are planning on installing in your ride will fit, get the OEM number from the dealership. The OEM number is an exact number for the unit that will hook up in your vehicle without any reprogramming or modification to the unit.
Most in-dash nav units nowadays are part of a system and not just the stand-alone unit that can be seen in the dash they also have a under seat or trunk unit as well. If a new or old nav unit is not working it may not always be the part you think or the reason you think. If any of the parts in the system fail it will make the head unit not work. In the case of Mercedes the units are all calibrated to work in the original car and cannot be swapped into any other car. If you are having issues with your cars navigation system be sure you narrow down the issue before you start spending your hard earned cash. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to Stop the Moaning and Groaning from Your Steering System

On a short 15 min commute to work you may see between 500 and 10,000 other cars on the road. A staggering number of these cars you have just seen are driving around with warning lights on the dash.  These warning lights may be for the any system from the O2 sensor or air fuel ratio sensor to the gas cap being too loose, but what about your car? What is that sound from the steering when you are at slow speeds?
Most of us know that even if a car is not flashing a warning light it can still be having an issue. A moaning from the car at slow speed cornering is a sound that should not be ignored. This sounds is usually a sign of an issue with the steering pump, most likely the sound is being caused by air in the steering system. What happens is the air in the system will pass through the steering pump and cause there to be less resistance on the pump which in turn means it cannot function correctly. The groaning sound is actually the pump struggling to create enough pressure to keep up with the demand being put on the steering system. Some people may just ignore that sound and keep driving but this is a bad idea. These sounds are a symptom of failure but the system can be saved if caught early enough.
The power steering system is set up so that the fluid pumped through the lines will press the steering piston the correct direction needs to maneuver the car as desired. If this system is not working in proper order steering will become very difficult. To get the air out of the system takes a little more effort than just pouring in more fluid. The system will need to be “bled”, to do this you will need to follow a few easy steps. First jack up the front of the car and with the reservoir open and the car off but the key turned to accessory begin to rotate the steering wheel. As steering wheel is rotated bubbles will begin to surface from the system and you will need to add fluid accordingly. Rotate the steering wheel about 30 times left to right once this process is done, replace the cap on the reservoir and lower the car.
With the air out of the system the moaning should have stopped, if not the problem is the pump itself. In the case that it is a bad pump, it will need to be replaced but this process can save a pump if it is just low on fluid. A steering system that is low on fluid gets that way through a leak in the system, the next step is to determine where the system is losing fluid. General upkeep and basic maintenance is the best way to keep your car on the road for years to come.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How To Make Sense of AC Pressure Readings

Auto AC systems are extremely difficult to understand, the system not be blowing cold air but most mechanics have no idea why.  Most mechanics will take a few minutes with the vehicle and say the old “the AC compressor is shot” buuuuut honestly they are just guessing. Usually changing the compressor it will fix the problem…but not for the reason you think. Not to mention it will cost a lot more than it needs too.  The reason that the AC works is, the replacement of the compressor also means that the mechanic changed all the other AC parts in the system. Also they refilled with the correct amount of Freon and oil which may have been wrong. With the whole system changed you are back enjoying your ac system, little do you know you just spent way too much money.

Air conditioning systems are very easy to diagnose if you know what to look for. The easiest way to diagnose an AC system is to get the pressure reading from the system with a pressure gauge. Issues like air in the system or too much refrigerant all have specific symptoms and can be diagnosed simply by using a pressure gauge.  Remember all the readings are set for an average day at around 75 degrees so reading may fluctuate a few psi depending on temperature.
Issue = readings and symptoms
Air Entered the AC system = both the high and low side pressure readings are high (low sire 35 – 43 psi, the high side is 284 – 355 psi) also the low pressure side will not be cool to the touch.
Too Much Refrigerant = same symptoms as air in the system but bubbles cannot be seen in the sight glass.
Expansion Valve Issues or Improper Heat Sensitizing tube installation = same symptoms as above but frost or dew on the low pressure piping.
Faulty Compressor = low side too high and high side to low.
Low Refrigerant = both high and low side readings are low.
Moisture Entered the System = low side pressure will be a vacuum.
Refrigerant Fails to Circulate = vacuum on the low side and low pressure on the high side.
If you follow these readings, the issues with your system can be worked out before the AC is opened up. In other words the mechanic can’t take you for a ride, you know more than he does. Being prepared is the best way to avoid spending more money than you have to. In an economy like the one we have today a little knowledge can be a valuable thing.

Why is a Working AC System so Important

Think back, when is the last time you can remember walking through a car lot and seeing a vehicle without air conditioning. To even have the option nowadays you will have to make a special request to the dealer. Why is it, that air conditioning is a standard on all cars? It doesn’t make sense in some areas if you think about it from a cooling point of view. AC compressor units are heavy and clutch will steal power from the car when engaged. Why oh why would you want AC if you are looking for a very cheap car?
Air conditioning is not only good for cooling a car but it has an ability to get moisture out of the air. AC is air conditioning not just air cooling…in other words it has many uses. It is used to defrost the windshield as well as clean the air in the car as well.
People tend to think that running the AC is a gas mileage killer but it may be just the opposite. Running The AC may pull a few horsepower from smaller engines but opening the windows is just like deploying a parachute on the back of your car. While the AC may lower the efficiency of the car by 1 or 2% the windows can hit you with as much as 10%.
AC has one last great effect that opening a window does not…it keeps you cool. Opening a window may cool you down for a second but all it is doing is turbocharging hot air into your face. Once your car stops moving all that warm air is just that…warm air. So come on people increase the efficiency of your car by running the AC for a change. Not only will you be comfortable but you will be saving money too.

How to Install a Fuel Pump Into a Level Sending Unit

Any car can fall prey to a failed fuel pump, from Bugatti to Fiat and no matter who you are it can leave you stranded. Many of the cars on the road today can be fixed without having to replace the entire fuel pump assembly in this situation. In some cars the fuel pump alone can be changed without changing the level sending unit.
The price of an individual fuel pump may be lower than replacing the whole assembly which is nice but the down side is the
labor. The fuel pump assembly is usually located inside the tank and will need to be pulled out to change the pump. The best option is to change out the entire assembly, spend the extra $20 since the labor savings will be much more than the cost difference.
Once the level sending unit is removed from the tank the swap process is very simple. Just detach the old pump from the electric and fuel line then slide the unit out. Now slide the new unit into the assembly and attach all the lines. Don’t forget to change the screen on the unit while it is apart. One thing to remember, there is fuel here…NO SMOKING!!!! This may sound like an obvious suggestion but hey you never know. With the unit installed in the assembly test the pump and make sure the pressure is correct. With everything working correctly, reassemble the car and you are good to go. Now it is time to enjoy what that Bugatti was meant to do…waste a ton of gas in a very fun way.

Why You Should Replace the Banjo Bolt on Your Subaru

subaru 1There is nothing more surprising than having to change a turbo on your car, its expensive and time consuming. There are a few steps to remember when changing a turbo on Subaru, these cars are not like other turbocharger equipped cars. In some ways that is very true and it can cost you dearly.
The Subaru designers of the turbo system used what is called a “banjo bolt” which flows oil to the turbo unit. The banjo bolt is a bolt which has a hole through it and a screen in inside. As the oil travels through the bolt it passes through the screen and then enters the turbo. The reason you will need to change this part out is due to contamination of this screen. This banjo bolt really should be changed as often as the oil filter but is generally ignored, that is sad too. Just changing this 3$ part a few times could have saved a $1000 turbocharger.suabru 3
Changing out the banjo bolt is easy and would take about 5 or 10 min while doing an oil change. Don’t forget to do this little maintenance because if the screen inside ends up clogged the oil cannot pass. When the oil does not make it to the turbo the unit will starve of oil and seize. This means that for the cost of a $3 bolt your car would still be running. We all want to find places to “cut costs” but this is one place where spending a few dollars extra is a great idea.

A Few Thoughts About a Leaking Turbo

exhaust-smokeThere is nothing quite like your car puffing out clouds of smoke down the road. Not only is it embarrassing but it can also get you a citation from the cops, so what do you do? Well if your car is naturally aspirated or a supercharger equipped vehicle then you are in some serious trouble. You need to get the car to a mechanic right away. If you have a turbocharger in your car then it may be an easy fix that could lead to something very expensive.
When there is smoke pouring out of an exhaust it can be caused by a number if issues. The color of the smoke will help determine the issue that your car is facing. With oil smoke the key is to figure out why the car is smoking. Most mechanics will give the old “your turbo’s done gone” but that may not be the case, if you follow this advice it can cost you a lot more than money. A leaking turbo can be caused by the seals in the turbo being worn out or it can also be other more serious issues as well. For instance “blow by” in the engine can cause pressure in the oil system and force oil out of the turbo seals. Blow by is the term for when air escapes around the pistons and enters the bottom end of the motor. Blow by is a sign of a failing engine that needs to be addressed asap.
On some turbo cars if the intake is restricted due to pinched lines or a clogged filter the turbos will create a vacuum in the intake. This will actually draw oil out of the turbo through the seals and create smoke.
There are lots more reasons that can cause smoking or oil leaking from a turbo,  just remember to have the mechanic check the car thoroughly. Don’t just let him tell you “turbo’s broke” because you could be in for a world of hurt if you do.

How to Install a Basic 4 Piece Body Kit

sl55_body_kit_installMany cars out there look good but need just a little bit of help to make them look amazing. Like the gym can transform an out of shape man into an Adonis, a body kit can take a car to the next level too.  While a vehicle can be more comfortable if the A/C compressorand A/C parts are all in working order, the looks are harder to get right. It is important to remember when modifying a car visually, less is more.
While a good body kit such as a lip kit or even a flare fender kit can look great if you go too crazy…or cheap it will show. Once you have selected your desired look it’s important to attach and paint the kit correctly. Attaching the front and rear bumper covers is a simple process. Remove the old covers and line up the new ones to check for fitment. Then do the same with the side skirts to check for desired ground clearance and fitment. Not to mention this is a good time to take a look and be sure the looks are what you are going for.
Now the kit should be painted, Preferably the same color as the car. Remember to take into account the color of the primer since thisP9290562 will have an effect on the final color. Once the units are painted attach them to the car being sure that they fit just like the factory units. Some kits will need to be modified to fit correctly, this may seem like a lot of work but having a great looking car will be worth it.
Once you have the kit mounted now reattach any fog lights or turn signals into the proper locations and the car should be ready to go. Be sure to pick wheels that match well to the theme you are going for. If you have a sport looking kit, light racing wheels make a good choice to complete the look. With a heavy bulky looking kit, chrome wheels may complete the look in a nice way. Just be sure that you check how things look before you buy them since sometimes good looking pieces may not look good together.

Some Basic Maintenance for Summer

car-maintenanceEvery person out there knows that there is some basic maintenance repairs that need to be done to winterize your car. Even if it is just changing your battery or filling up the anti-freeze there are always a few small things to do.  It is not like you need to go out and change your steering power boxes or power racks, no nothing like that. To summer-ize your car is a simple procedure that can make the summer much more enjoyable.
The main thing to remember when doing basic maintenance is to check all the systems in the car that will be affected by the extreme heat of the summer. The AC may not be the only system to inspect, though it is the first place you want to start. There is a good chance you have not used the ac much during winter month…though if you live in Florida this may not apply. The AC system should be put through its paces to be sure you are not stuck in traffic in 100 degree weather without AC. Next the area to check it the cooling system for the engine, if this system is malfunctioning it could leave you stranded in a cloud of steam…or worse. Many car fires are caused by super heated coolant leaking onto other systems and causing combustion. Finally…check your tires during the extreme temperature fluctuations that occur during the winter season air could have escaped from your tires and coming into the heat of summer it can cause a oil changeblow out not having correct tire pressure.
Car maintenance is one of those things that many of use just don’t do. We put our car through torture every day and then get mad when it breaks down. “What a piece of crap…Ahhh” but we forget the car has taken us 80K miles since the last time it saw any TLC. Don’t forget people a car is only as good as the person who maintains it, so do your part.

How to Change Spark Plugs

4afe-engine-plug-gap-specifications-800X800It may seem like a simple process but it is one that can determine if all that complex engineering that went into a car is really working. The ignition distributor and oxygen sensor can’t do their job correctly if the spark plugs are not installed properly. Most of us think changing a spark plug is as simple as screwing the new plug into place…and in some ways it is. In other ways it is a very complicate and can cause a vehicle to run worse than it did before the install.
What is it that causes a car to lose performance whengap1changing a spark plug? How can this be done wrong? The spark plugs in modern vehicles are calibrated to a specific gap and this gap must be followed or the combustion in the cylinder can be less or more than is needed. A Gap tool will make sure that you are in the factory gap tolerances. With incorrect fuel combustion the engine will run rough, sometimes in such a significant way that the car will not run. The main thing to remember is the check the gap and make sure it is within factory tolerances.
A few last checks will keep a car running smooth and give the performance gains that can be expected from a tune up. The plugs need to be torque to specific specs, under torque can cause air to escape and this will cause lose of compression. If the spark plugs are over torque it can cause the plugs to crack or even worse the threads can strip in the head. Next make sure the coil packs or plug wires are properly seated. If the packs or wires are loose there will be no connection for the electric current to travel and no spark will be created. So yes there are some issues that can arise doing this install but if you follow the factory specs it is as easy as one, two, three.

How to Change a Brake Line

fuel linesThe braking system in a vehicle can be one of the most intimidating systems to work on, not only is it complicated but also very important to the whole stopping thing. When the brakes in a car begin to fade of feel soft over time there may be more to be repaired than just a set of brake pads. Unlike a fuel pump line or a steering pump line the brake lines are under a constant change of pressure. Every time the brakes are applied the lines are under extreme stress from the brake fluid. When the brake lines begin to leak it can cause air in the lines or worse they could burst causing brake failure
As we all know if the brakes in a car fail you had better find a hill to slow you down. To replace a brake line is a simple procedure and can save a driver from a headache or maybe worse in the future. The process is simple, drain the fluid and detaching the brake line then attach the new line and fill and bleed the system.  Some driver will choose to upgrade to stainless steel braided lines at this point and these will be able to take more pressure without flexing or expanding. This means more pressure to the calipers and more powerful and consistent braking. Once the system is completely bled it is a good idea to replace the brake pads and turn the rotors. Be sure that the brake master cylinder is making good pressure before you get back on the street.

Lamborghini Shows Porsche What a 4 Door Car Should Look Like

56In the last few years Porsche and Aston martin have both joined the 4 door movement, with the Panamera and Rapide respectively. These two cars came about in the same period of time and competed directly with each other for news coverage and customers. Though both cars used amazing engines only the Porsche had a turbocharger option, The Aston was not even offered with a supercharger.  After all the smoke cleared it really comes down to the price points and availability.
Now Lamborghini is thinking about putting their voice into this argument with the Estoque. Though the Aston Martin is beautiful the price and dealer support help the car back estoque_hr_04while the Panamera had the backing of every Porsche dealer in the country. Strange they are always so close to VW dealers even though they are “not related” so the Panamera was able to grab a good hold on US streets. Even if the streets are much uglier cause of it the Panamera is one hell of a car to drive. Lamborghini is going to add the best of both worlds amazing styling and power to boot. In fact the power is slated to come from the 5.2L V10 from the Gallardowhich means 560HP to terrify all of your passengers. The Lambo is still in the planning stage and will ultimately see production only if there is enough interest from perspective clients, so speak up people! Oh and if you have to ask the price…you can’t afford one.

So What Does Your Average Mechanic Really Know?

Auto repairs are never fun, they are costly and inconvenient. Not to mention that no one ever seems to give it to you straight. OK, ok sooo what do I really need? The mechanic is telling me that I need a whole steering gearbox for some reason, the guy at the dealership is telling me that I need to update my power steering pump to the 2011 system. All of which will cost about $4000, but what do I really need if it was my brake rotor that is warped?
Many mechanics and dealers may have the 20 years of experience behind them but that does not always mean they know what they are doing. In the past 20 years cars have changed significantly, ask yourself if you would let someone who always works on 86 Buicks work on your 2010 Mercedes. Do you really think they would know the first thing about that car or how any of the systems on it really work? The answer of course is no, not one thing.
The systems that cars and trucks use have changed so much in the past 10 years alone that anything you may have known about cars in 2000 will be completely obsolete today. Being a mechanic is like being a doctor nowadays, taking classes to update yourself on the new technologies and procedures. From steering systems to the electronics everything has been reimagined and redesigned with better performance and more efficiency in mind.
The average mechanic has been doing repairs for about 5 years and knows a good amount about cars and repairs. He will know how to do most of the small repairs and has books and DVDs that will help him with the rest. Just remember that what he tells you is a combo of experience and guessing so for any auto repair do a little research yourself, being an informed customer is the best way to avoid being swindled out of your money.