Changing your own motor oil is the most basic DIY maintenance of your vehicle. It has to be done often enough that it really helps to know how to change
your own oil. It's not complicated like a
steering rack or
AC Compressor install, but it is handy. Below is a short guide on what you need and how to perform a
simple oil change in your vehicle.
You’ll need the following tools and items: A box end or
socket wrench to remove the drain plug, an oil filter wrench (if it’s on really
tight or doesn’t have grips on the end), an oil drain pan, a funnel, a jack and
jack stands, and a long piece of cardboard or canvas to avoid any sudden
Of course, you’ll also need fresh oil and a new oil filter.
Before going out and buying the needed supplies, make sure
to check your owner’s manual for the right kind of oil for your vehicle and the
amount you’ll need. Oil is typically sold in quarts, so if your car needs 5.7
quarts buy 6 quarts of oil at the store. Then you need to make sure you buy the
right viscosity – if your car lists 5W-30, buy 5W-30 even if another viscosity
is cheaper or on sale. Always put in the viscosity your owner’s manual
As far as whether to buy conventional or synthetic, it’s
largely up to you – unless your owner’s manual specifies synthetic or you have
a turbocharged or supercharged engine, in which case you should also buy
Once you’ve gathered everything, park your car on a level
surface and jack it up, placing jack stands on either side of the frame. Some
newer cars have undercovers, so you may need to remove this to access the drain
plug and oil filter. It’s best to change the oil when the engine is slightly warm, but
never when it’s hot – all the oil hasn’t had a chance to drain into the oil pan
and you could get burned.
Locate the drain plug and oil filer. Most cars have
bottom-mount, screw on filters. Locate the drain plug, and place your open oil
pan underneath where the drain plug will drain. Some people say removing your
oil reservoir cap in your engine bay will help the oil drain out faster and
smoother. While this may not necessarily be the case, it will help you remember
to put fresh oil in your car before driving off.
The drain plug is often at an
angle – try to position the oil pan where the oil will come out. Take your socket wrench and loosen the drain
plug slowly. Once it seems pretty loose, carefully unscrew and remove it by hand,
allowing the oil to spill out onto the oil pan.
Wait for all of the oil to drain out of the vehicle, and
then replace the oil drain plug. Make sure it is clean and free of debris, and
that the washer is clean and intact, before putting it back on. Make sure to
screw it back on tightly with a hand wrench so you can’t tighten it anymore,
but don’t use a socket wrench or anything that would strip it out.

Then move your oil pan underneath your oil filer. Get out
your oil filter wrench and twist off the oil filter. Turn the filter upside
down towards the side of your oil pan and let it drain as your car drains the
oil out of the oil filter socket. Once it’s finished draining, use rags to
clean as much of the oil away as possible, paying special attention to the
filter sealing surface. Then open a quart of fresh oil and put a dab of it on
the gasket of your new oil filter, then screw the new oil filter in the proper
socket. Tighten the oil filter as much as you possibly can by hand – you
shouldn’t need a filter wrench unless your hands are too greasy to tighten it
After you confirm that the oil drain bolt and oil filter are
properly in place and tightened, it’s time to add fresh oil. Place the funnel
into your oil reservoir and start adding oil. Ad about a half of a quart to a
full quart less than is recommended by your engine.
Replace the oil reservoir cap and run the engine for 30
seconds or so to circulate the new oil. Look underneath your car and make sure
there are no leaks. Then check the oil level in your car and make sure it falls
within the right parameters – if it doesn’t, add a bit more oil to top it off.
Once you’ve made sure everything looks good, remove the jack
stands and lower your car. The only
thing left to do now is properly dispose of your old oil. Most auto parts
stores that sell oil have a waste oil bin you can dump your old oil in for no
Then you’re done! Once you’ve done this a few times, it
becomes a breeze. Now you don’t have to pay someone else to do a simple job,
and you can make sure it’s done right every time.