Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What Exactly is an Ignition Coil?

Most of us think of cars as basic and straight forward, this is due to the fact that the cars we have owned have all been older models. As technology gets more integrated into our cars the simplicity has pretty much vanished. The suspension is a great example of this it used to be shocks and springs. Now suspension can be air suspension with a suspension pump or suspension compressor with 10 different sensors controlling it. Till recently the ignition system in most cars was very simplistic, distributor with a cap and rotor with spark plug wires that lead to the cylinders. This is not so with the new models which are coming onto the market in recent years.

The biggest and most noticeable change to the ignition system for modern vehicles is the introduction of the ignition coil. The ignition coil is more efficient than a plus wire since there is no loss, through the wire. The ignition coil pack is an induction coil that increases the voltage going to the spark plug to the 20-30 thousand volts that is needed to create a solid spark.  Some coil packs use internal resistor to create voltage and others rely on external to get the job done.

Replacing a coil pack is just as easy as replacing a spark plug wire but it will cost a bit more. It may seem like a waste of money for something that does the same thing but in truth it makes for better gas mileage which means that they will pay for themselves. 

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